Sede da CCDR.

Our mission

CCDRC, I.P. It is a public institute with a special regime, integrated into the indirect administration of the State, with administrative, financial autonomy and its own assets. Its mission is to define and execute the respective regional development strategies; integrate and territorially articulate public policies essential to the implementation of regional development policies in the areas of environment, cities, economy, culture, education, health, spatial planning, nature conservation, and agriculture and fisheries; ensure the planning and management of cohesion policy within the scope of regional programs, and European territorial cooperation programs, within the programming cycles of European Union policies, with a view to the economic, social and cultural development of the territories that constitute the respective circumscriptions; technically support local authorities and their associations.

The Centro Regional Program 2021-2027 (Centro 2030) is a Portugal 2030 instrument with exclusive application to the Central Region. CCDRC, IP is responsible for ensuring logistical, administrative and financial support to the Management Authority of the Centro 2030 Operational Program, in accordance with and under the terms set out in no. 4 of Map VII of Annex I to Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 14/ 2023, February 10th.

Our mission

Our mission

A CCDR Centro é um instituto público de regime especial, integrado na administração indireta do Estado, dotada de autonomia administrativa, financeira e património próprio. Tem por missão definir e executar as respetivas estratégias de desenvolvimento regional; integrar e articular territorialmente políticas públicas indispensáveis à execução das políticas de desenvolvimento regional nos domínios do ambiente, cidades, economia, cultura, educação, saúde, ordenamento do território, conservação da natureza, e agricultura e pescas; assegurar o planeamento e a gestão da política de coesão no âmbito dos programas regionais, e dos programas de cooperação territorial europeia, enquadrados nos ciclos de programação das políticas da União Europeia, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento económico, social e cultural dos territórios que constituem as respetivas circunscrições; apoiar tecnicamente as autarquias locais e as suas associações.

O Programa Regional do Centro 2021-2027 (Centro 2030) é um instrumento do Portugal 2030 com aplicação exclusiva à Região Centro. À CCDR Centro compete assegurar o apoio logístico, administrativo e financeiro à Autoridade de Gestão do Programa Operacional Centro 2030, conforme e nos termos previstos do n.º 4 do Mapa VII do Anexo I à Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 14/2023, de 10 de fevereiro.

Main objectives of the CCDRC

Main objectives of the CCDRC

  • Improve the articulation of territories and institutions in the region, namely local authorities, and qualify them to strengthen regional competitiveness and cohesion;

  • Strengthen the region’s integration into international spaces and networks, providing experiences of cooperation and benchmarking, in the areas of activity of the CCDRC;

  • Promote productive investment in the region, assuming a proactive attitude towards attracting investments within the national framework and also from abroad, and promoting the management and monitoring of regional investments;

  • Improve the environmental quality of the region, ensuring the effective application of instruments and legislation to safeguard and enhance natural and environmental resources;

  • Integrate the region into the programmatic bases of territorial planning and enable it to adequately manage the use of land and territorial resources;

  • Qualify the services provided, promoting the modernization of internal processes through the increasing use of information and communication technologies, the rationalization of procedures, the creation of better working conditions and the reinforcement of the professional skills of human resources, with a view to obtaining efficiency gains and reducing costs for users, as well as increasing transparency in relations with civil society.

  • Improve the articulation of territories and institutions in the region, namely local authorities, and qualify them to strengthen regional competitiveness and cohesion;

  • Strengthen the region’s integration into international spaces and networks, providing experiences of cooperation and benchmarking, in the areas of activity of the CCDRC;

  • Promote productive investment in the region, assuming a proactive attitude towards attracting investments within the national framework and also from abroad, and promoting the management and monitoring of regional investments;

  • Improve the environmental quality of the region, ensuring the effective application of instruments and legislation to safeguard and enhance natural and environmental resources;

  • Integrate the region into the programmatic bases of territorial planning and enable it to adequately manage the use of land and territorial resources;

  • Qualify the services provided, promoting the modernization of internal processes through the increasing use of information and communication technologies, the rationalization of procedures, the creation of better working conditions and the reinforcement of the professional skills of human resources, with a view to obtaining efficiency gains and reducing costs for users, as well as increasing transparency in relations with civil society.

  • Integrate the region into the programmatic bases of territorial planning and enable it to adequately manage the use of land and territorial resources;

  • Qualify the services provided, promoting the modernization of internal processes through the increasing use of information and communication technologies, the rationalization of procedures, the creation of better working conditions and the reinforcement of the professional skills of human resources, with a view to obtaining efficiency gains and reducing costs for users, as well as increasing transparency in relations with civil society.



  • President

    Isabel Damasceno Vieira de Campos Costa

    The President of the Commission for Coordination and Regional Development of the Center (CCDRC) since January 23, 2020. Born in Mirandela, where she was born on April 12, 1956. She holds a degree in Economics (Management branch) from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Coimbra. She served as the Mayor of Leiria from 1998 to 2009. She was Vice-President of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities (ANMP) from 2002 to 2009. She has been a Member of the Managing Authority of the Regional Operational Programs of the Center since February 2010 and has been President of the Managing Authority since January 23, 2020.

  • Vice President

    Eduardo Anselmo de Castro
  • Vice President

    José Morgado Ribeiro
  • Vice President

    Alexandra Isabel Marques Rodrigues Correia
  • Vice President

    Pedro Miguel Lima Andrade de Matos Geirinhas
  • Vice President

    Vasco António Mendonça Sequeira Estrela
  • Vice President

    Eduardo Anselmo de Castro
  • Vice President

    José Morgado Ribeiro
  • Vice President

    Alexandra Isabel Marques Rodrigues Correia
  • Vice President

    Pedro Miguel Lima Andrade de Matos Geirinhas
  • Vice President

    Vasco António Mendonça Sequeira Estrela

Organic Units

Organic Units